Frequently asked questions

General FAQs

Do I need AI development experience?

What is an AI Tutor?

What does a typical task look like?

How many tasks will I be able to get?

Can I be an AI Tutor if I already have a job?

Why would I want to be an AI Tutor?

What does the day of an AI Tutor look like?

What does the application process look like?

Do I need AI development experience?

What is an AI Tutor?

What does a typical task look like?

How many tasks will I be able to get?

Can I be an AI Tutor if I already have a job?

Why would I want to be an AI Tutor?

What does the day of an AI Tutor look like?

What does the application process look like?

Do I need AI development experience?

What is an AI Tutor?

What does a typical task look like?

How many tasks will I be able to get?

Can I be an AI Tutor if I already have a job?

Why would I want to be an AI Tutor?

What does the day of an AI Tutor look like?

What does the application process look like?


How do I get paid?

How much will I get paid?

How do I get paid?

How much will I get paid?

How do I get paid?

How much will I get paid?

Schedule requirements

Will I need to perform a set amount of hours every week?

How flexible is this opportunity?

Will I need to perform a set amount of hours every week?

How flexible is this opportunity?

Will I need to perform a set amount of hours every week?

How flexible is this opportunity?

© 2014–2024
Toloka AI BV

© 2014–2024
Toloka AI BV

© 2014–2024
Toloka AI BV