


July 9, 2024

July 9, 2024

July 9, 2024

Arts to AI: Emma’s journey into editing for AI

Arts to AI: Emma’s journey into editing for AI

Arts to AI: Emma’s journey into editing for AI

Meet Emma Lane, a dynamic AI Tutor - Editor with a unique blend of skills in communication and the arts. In this article, Emma provides some valuable insights about her new role at Mindrift. Read on to learn more about:

  • Transitioning from traditional editing to editing for AI 

  • Building connections and learning through the Mindrift community

  • Balancing a demanding schedule alongside diverse interests

Mindrift: What is your professional background and education?

Emma: I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies. I focused on journalism and mass communications because I’ve always had a love for writing and storytelling. My studies and early professional experience are primarily in news and public relations copy editing. After graduation, I freelanced in writing and editing across several fields. I also hold a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance, though that’s a little less applicable to my work at Mindrift.

Mindrift: How do you feel about the role you are playing in the development of Generative AI?

Emma: Being involved in the development of Generative AI has been a learning process. While I’ve used AI and seen some discussions around it, I had very little understanding of how AI is actually developed. Since doing projects for Mindrift, my knowledge of AI has grown significantly, changing my perspective on how to best use it.

Mindrift: Why have you decided to try this experience?

Emma: I stumbled upon Mindrift while searching for the next step in my writing/editing career. Initially, I applied for an AI Tutor role because it involved writing. I did well enough on the tests to be offered an editing role instead. I’m so glad I took the chance and got accepted. 

Mindrift: What do you like the most about this role?

Emma: I love the connections I’ve made and the growth I’ve seen in my own work. The flexibility of the role initially drew me in and has been wonderful. However, the most valuable part to me has been the connections with QAs and other editors – and the feedback I’ve received along the way.

Mindrift: What was most unusual within your Mindrift journey compared to your professional experience?

Emma: I’m learning so much about fields that I otherwise would never have a reason to look into. Most recently, I’vebeen doing editing for a coding project. I had some very basic coding knowledge going in, but just from editing for AI, I’ve gained a whole lot more.

Mindrift: How is editing for Mindrift different compared to your normal editing work?

Emma: A lot of the editing work I’ve done in the past I had contact with one or two people through the project. Working remotely, it was easy to feel disconnected from the rest of the team. Editing for Mindrift has been an entirely different experience. Through Discord, I can connect with QAs, other editors, and writers. I appreciate the real sense of teamwork in the Discord community. 

Mindrift: How do you find balance between freelancing and your life outside of Mindrift?

Emma: Mindrift makes balancing all aspects of my life easy. With the freedom to choose my work hours and location, integrating editing tasks for AI into my busy schedule is a breeze. This role also taps into different skills from those I generally use, making it a refreshing break from other work. I’ve also found that it sparks my curiosity and prompts me to learn about topics I don’t know much about. It keeps things interesting and adds value to other parts of my life. 

Mindrift: We’d love to know more about you beyond work – how does Mindrift fit into your lifestyle? 

Emma: Outside of my work at Mindrift, I’m a professional ballet dancer. For me, one of the best parts about Mindrift is the flexibility that allows me to pursue my passion for dancing while also continuing to hone my skills, knowledge, and experience in writing and editing.

Mindrift: Are you active in Mindrift’s Discord community? If so, what do you typically use it for?

Emma: Yes, I’m fairly active on Discord. My team members and QAs are such vital resources for me. Being able to share information and learn from everyone else has really helped to improve my work. It’s also nice to be able to laugh together at some of the crazy things we come across.  

Mindrift: Do you think Generative AI will play an important role in your future, and how do you feel about the role you’re playing in developing it?

Emma: Absolutely. I already see Generative AI playing a role in my everyday life, and I believe that role will only grow. For example, my sister uses it to plan lessons for her class, and my dad uses it for business emails. I also see its application in doctor’s offices!


Mindrift: What would you say to a person who might be considering this role? 

Emma: Take the leap. If you’re anything like me and feel like you don’t know enough about AI or you don’t have enough experience, I’m here to tell you it is okay. Everyone I’ve interacted with at Mindrift has been open and willing to help. As long as you come willing to learn, you will succeed.

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